The Boston Globe
March 24, 2012 -Cover Story on the front page of The Boston Globe G section by Marni Kaufman Katz “10 Secrets to a deep home cleaning this spring” Examine artworks Greg Bishop, co-owner of Oliver Brothers Art Restoration and Custom Framing, counsels: “Keep artwork in stable environments with consistent temperature and humidity, and […]
Picture Framing Magazine, National Conference
Picture Framing Magazine, August 2010
She is floating on barn wood from Texas!
Kikkerland Design Facebook Page /Larson- Juhl, Ideas and Inspiration, October, 2010 The Mona Lisa Clock, designed by Constantin Boym, manufactured by Kikkerland Design, floater frame by Rustic Creations- TX, metal leaf frame by Larson-Juhl She is floating on barn wood from Texas! This frame brings together two distinct materials – barn wood and metal […]
Oliver Brothers Custom Framing 117 Elliott Street, Beverly, MA 01915 617.536.2323