custom framing examples » green picture framing!
alternative custom frame choices
Sustainable, Eco-friendly, Green, Recycled

Urban salvaged wood custom frames made by Michigan’s transitional or disabled workforce
Sustainability refers to the capability to endure. It requires the consideration of environmental, social and economic demands to be truly successful. At Oliver Brothers we offer alternative custom frame options that promote environmental standards while still providing the same aesthetic elegance featured in our other frames. We carry many sustainable materials including re-claimed and re-used metal siding frames and sustainable wood including urban-salvaged wood, barn wood and North American hardwood.

Re-claimed, and re-used metal siding-frame attached to the recycled lumber- from Louisiana
Many of our wooden frames are certified by PEFC, which is the world’s largest forest certification system promoting sustainable forest management. This assures that the wood used for these frames are produced with respect for the highest ecological, social and ethical standards. We believe that sustainable forest management is a priority in the pursuit of keeping our planet healthy, while still enjoying the many resources she provides.
We also carry framing materials salvaged from urban settings. Individuals whom are disadvantaged or disabled collect these materials from the under-utilized resources of downtrodden cities like Detroit. Uniting disadvantaged individuals and struggling cities and re-claiming that cities wood and metal take all three aspects of sustainability taken into consideration. Oliver Brothers views the utilization of materials collected and produced in manners that minimally affect our planet and help communities as great opportunity to do our part.

Nikola Tesla in front of the spiral coil of his high-frequency transformer at East Houston Street laboratory, New York, 1896
The Tesla Frame (or Green Framing) article by Mira Bishop has been published in the Art Business Today, a UK magazine. “My goal was to create a finished product that would satisfy my visual design criteria while at the same time honor Tesla’s legacy of innovation, his passion for giving back to mankind and his respect for Earth’s resources. ” Mira Bishop
The Tesla Frame is a simple flat moulding brought to life by imperfections and irregularities in the wood. While occasional wood knots add excitement, waves in the wood grain vary in strength, creating slight discolorations. This unique pattern contributes to the character of each frame. Both frames were unique with their own individual beauty. The story behind the re-purposed moulding, its originality, and the way it aesthetically complemented the posters was the solution I was looking for all along. You can read an entire article on our ART RESTORATION WEBSITE.
Oliver Brothers Custom Framing 117 Elliott Street, Beverly, MA 01915 617.536.2323